Calculate Your Loan Payments Here

sponsored by FannieMae.


True Cost Calculator SM

  • Determine all the costs associated with getting a mortgage and compare the costs of different types of mortgages.

How Much House Can You Afford?

  • Find out approximately how much money a lending institution will lend you, based on your income and your debts.

What Monthly Payment is Needed for a House With a Specific Sales Price?

  • Determine how changes to the desired sales price of your prospective home will affect your payments.

How Much Can You Afford With a Specific Monthly Payment?

  • Understand how your desired monthly payment will affect the price of the house you can afford.

How Much is Your Monthly Payment?

  • Explore the outcome of changes to your loan balance, mortgage term, and
    interest rate on your monthly payment. 

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Jim E. Flynn
CalBRE license #: 01215480

Phone: (949)  463-0739